Monday, December 18, 2017

Change Color of Star Bookmark Button in Firefox

Under Firefox 57+ Quantum the Star Bookmark button you see in the URL bar has a default color which appears to be inherited from the system/somewhere? This color is used in other places like the download icon. I find this very annoying as I use this to check if something is finished downloading and the default blue color of star-button throws me off often.

You can modify the color using userChrome.css, here are the quick steps to do it.

For Windows go to C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\YOURPROFILE.default\chrome\ (you can type %appdata% to get part way there).

Create a userChrome.css file if you don't have one, and edit it in a text editor, add the following, save and restart Firefox.
#star-button[starred] {
  fill: orange !important;

You can change the color to something else by modifying the fill: orange part, or use #hexcode or rgb(0, 0, 0)

Should be like this now:

When you click the button the page bookmarked big star icon is still a different color however, I'm not sure what controls it, make a comment if you find the element that does.

For further editing open chrome://browser/skin/browser.css in firefox if you want to mess around some more, and apply any changes to your custom userChrome.css

Also check this site out for a few different changes, like making bookmark folder different colors:

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Christmas & Holiday Gift Certificate Templates

Some new free gift certificate templates added to GiftTemplate in time for Christmas and the holidays. A reindeer one standing next to a Christmas tree and a simple gift box one with a purple and yellow theme for other holidays or even birthdays and such.

Reindeer Christmas Gift Certificate Template
Free Christmas Gift Certificate Template

Holiday Gift Certificate Template
Free Christmas Gift Certificate Template

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Halloween Gift Certificate

A new Halloween gift certificate has been added to GiftTemplate, I figure freaky clowns are all the rage these days so an evil clown was included on this years Halloween certificate.

Make a free certificate yourself with this free Clown Halloween Gift Certificate
free halloween gift certificate

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Commander Keen with Dosbox & Business Gift Certificates

I wanted to play some old school commander keen so I used DosBox 0.74. However I didn't like how the default resolution looked for me and after sometime I figured out that editing the default dosbox-0.74.conf file got me the results I wanted. Which is fullscreen, but black bars on left and right with pixel perfect non-stretched rendering. This may not be the ideal or original way Keen was meant to be played, because originally it was stretched out, I believe it was 320x200 stretched to 320x240. But I prefer it this way.

commander-keen dosbox



Another issue I had is getting my Xbox One DPad to be recognized in DosBox. The trick is to edit the .conf file with the following settings.

You can then use CTRL + F1 shortcut to remap the keys, I set my Xbox Controller DPad to arrow keys and it worked after.

Another tip is you can use F5 while in map mode to save the game in slots from 1-9.

In other news I added a couple of more basic gift certificates to GiftTemplate.

Business Gift Certificate

Business Gift Certificate 07

Business Gift Certificate

Business Gift Certificate 08

Also this blog is now over 10 years old, I'm not even sure why I started it but I guess just to document Linux stuff back in the day.